Sibelius 5 recordings
Sibelius 5 recordings

Have been able to introduce him, some years later, to the members of The Was to meet Sibelius for the first time, it was even more wonderful to This really is a gem that deserves to be heard once again, and in this release I think you'll agree it's sounding particularly wonderful!


I'm pleased, and somewhat relieved, to report success here, together with my full satisfaction with the entire release. Having done a fair amount of work to try to get around this problem, I produced a master and set everything up for the release, only to decide on the morning of issue whilst listening in the car that it was no good, and I'd have to go back to the start and re-do the entire 5th Symphony all over again! I hit upon an alternative approach to the equalisation which would preserve the generally excellent results of the earlier master, whilst, I hoped, avoiding the out-of-tune effect. This exceptionally precise boosting and reduction of frequencies seemed to have the effect of exposing what may well be inherent tuning discrepancies within the orchestra that day and exacerbating them - even without this equalisation one senses at times that the strings and woodwind are not entirely in tune with each other, but with it the sound occasionally was more that of a high school band than the Philadelphia Orchestra! Rather odder was a bizarre de-tuning effect which occurred when my first XR re-equalisation was applied. This is the kind of digital fix which has only become possible within the very recent past. Fixing this involved a careful selection of the frequencies involved and undoing the fluttering by a mixture of boosting each semi-dropout and reducing levels where which peaked too high - all within a specfic high frequency range.

sibelius 5 recordings

Damage to the master tapes used for LP pressing was evident during the finale, characterised by a consistent amplitude 'flutter' in the high treble, particularly noticeable during louder string sections in the climaxes of the movement. Of the four recordings, only that of the Fifth Symphony proved troublesome, and I suspect for a variety of reasons. 2009These wonderful recordings have all restored well from transfers sent to me by The Stotowski Society's lynchpin, Edward Johnson, to whom I'm once again grateful. Rose's Pristine Classics transfer is first-rate" - Rob Cowan, Gramophone, Nov. the work's closing moments beautifullyīalanced by both Ormandy and his American Columbia engineers.

sibelius 5 recordings

".Finlandia receiving one the most fiercely dramatic recordings it's ever had.

sibelius 5 recordings

His classic 50s Sibelius, newly remastered, sounds amazing! Some of Ormandy's finest Sibelius finally available digitally

Sibelius 5 recordings